Safe Roads Hattiesburg

Dear Residents,

The City of Hattiesburg is moving forward with the development of the Safe Roads Hattiesburg project, a safety action plan for our transportation system. This message is to update you on the progress we have made, to thank you for your input, and to encourage your continued involvement in this important cause.

The project, which comes to us through a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) planning grant, will improve transportation safety in Hattiesburg by identifying strategies and projects to significantly reduce or eliminate fatalities and serious injuries. This will be accomplished through implementation of the following:

– better planning standards and road design
– policy review and revision activities
– new safety strategies and projects

During the first outreach phase of the project in Spring of 2024, we asked that you identify your perceived transportation safety needs within Hattiesburg.

Overall, the 1,236 respondents ranked distracted driving as their top behavioral concern, followed by red light/stop sign running and speeding. Respondents ranked unsafe intersections as their top infrastructure concern followed by a lack of pedestrian infrastructure. Poor roadway design and lack of roadway lighting were ranked as third and fourth.

Now, in the second outreach phase of the project, we are asking you to prioritize the strategies and locations identified to address these safety concerns by taking the Hattiesburg Safety Action Plan Round 2 Survey. This short survey will be available from Tuesday, August 20 – Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

This fall, transportation planners will analyze the results and then develop the draft Hattiesburg Safety Acton Plan. At that time, we will again invite you to be engaged by reviewing and making any comments on the draft plan. All input will be considered carefully before final decisions are made. The final Safe Roads Hattiesburg Safety Action Plan is expected to be completed by December of 2024. It will allow the City to apply for implementation grants for capital projects.

Thank you for your continued interest and input. Together we are building a safer, more reliable transportation system that we can sustain for generations to come.

All the best,

Toby Barker

Potential Project Benefits and Goals

  • Identifying challenges and solutions to help make roadways in Hattiesburg safer for everyone
  • Connecting missing links between existing sidewalk infrastructure
  • Identifying roadways eligible for upgrades that help reduce speeds, provide safer pedestrian and bicycle traffic opportunities, and consider on-street parking or transit stops
  • Making resources and opportunities equally available to all by using processes that are inclusive and accurately represent the public
  • Allowing the City of Hattiesburg to apply for implementation (capital construction) discretionary grant funds through the SS4A initiative
