City Hall offices will be closed on days listed below. There will be no garbage, trash or recycling pickups on these days; however, crews will operate abbreviated schedules during these weeks to make sure all residents receive pickup services.
Because of the abbreviated schedule, our crews will be working diligently to collect all cans. To help make sure no cans are skipped, please place your can at the curb for your day before 6 a.m.

- Garbage is collected once a week, on Mondays and Tuesdays (depending on where you live). To learn more about when you should put out your green can, call 601-545-4545.
- Garbage cans must be placed at curbside to ensure collection.
- Garbage carts must be removed from the city right-of-way following collection.
The City of Hattiesburg operates trucks that feature a mechanical arm to empty cans. To keep our crews safe and prevent an interruption in service, please help us by doing the following:
- Bag all garbage and place all bags inside the can; can must not be overfilled. Please don’t put extra bags on the ground.
- Place can on the curb with arrows pointing toward the street on collection day.
- Cans must be more than 3 feet from parked cars, mailboxes, fences and fire hydrants.
- Cans may not be placed under low hanging utility lines or tree limbs.
- After can is emptied, please remove from the curb by the next day.
Garbage is identified as any waste items produced inside the home.
- Trash is collected once a week, on Wednesdays and Thursdays (depending on where you live). To learn more about when you should put out your brown can, call 601-545-4545.
- Trash cans must be placed at curbside to ensure collection and removed from the city right-of-way following collection.
- Trash service is only available to residential customers. Non-residential customers are not eligible for trash service.
The City of Hattiesburg operates trucks that feature a mechanical arm to empty cans. To keep our crews safe and prevent an interruption in service, please help us by doing the following:
- All trash must be placed at the curb for collection. Trash may not be placed in the street.
- All leaves and small items should be bagged before placing at the curb for collection.
- Place can on the curb with arrows pointing toward the street on collection day.
- Cans must be more than 3 feet from parked cars, mailboxes, fences and fire hydrants.
- Cans may not be placed under low hanging utility lines or tree limbs.
Trash is identified as any yard debris (leaves, limbs, shrubbery, rocks, etc.)
- Recycling is collected once a week, per ward. To learn more about when you should put out your blue can, see the collection map.
- Blue cans must be placed at curbside to ensure collection and removed from the city right-of-way following collection.
- Recycling service is available to residential and commercial customers. To sign up for a blue can, click here.
The City of Hattiesburg operates trucks that feature a mechanical arm to empty cans. To keep our crews safe and prevent an interruption in service, please help us by doing the following:
- All recycling cans must be placed at the curb for collection, with arrows pointing toward the street on collection day.
- Cans must be more than 3 feet from parked cars, mailboxes, fences and fire hydrants.
- Cans may not be placed under low hanging utility lines or tree limbs.
- Aluminum Cans
- Cardboard boxes
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Paper bags
- Paper towel rolls
- Unwanted mail
- Plastic laundry detergent bottles
- Plastic milk and juice jugs
- Plastic mouthwash bottles
- Plastic beverage bottles and caps
- Plastic shampoo bottles
- Glass (of any kind)
- Motor oil
- Tires
- Food or liquid
- Plastic bags
- Clothing or linens
- Big items like wood, plastic, furniture or metal
Note: If these items are seen in your cart during pick-up, we will not be able to collect your items.
To report an issue with your garbage/trash/recycling pick-up or water/sewer services, please submit the concern to our action line. These requests will be opened as work orders for the responsible department and placed in the queue for resolving.