Your Penny at Work: Ribbon Cutting for East 8th Street Courts

Your Penny at Work: Ribbon Cutting for East 8th Street Courts

Hattiesburg – On Tuesday afternoon, Mayor Toby Barker and Ward 2 Councwiloman Deborah Delgado were joined by Pastor Carlos Wilson and Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church members to celebrate the completion of the East 8th Street Courts, a shared-use project funded by the 1¢ Parks and Recreation restaurant and hotel/motel tax.

The courts, which are well-lit, fenced and provide access to a water fountain, will support basketball, tennis and pickleball. Located behind the church at 900 East 8th Stree, the courts provide an extended amenity to the many offerings of Chain Park.

“Shared-use facilities are important because they allow us to develop new amenities at existing locations that also promote physical activity and recreation to the neighborhood,” said Barker. “This is one of 17 projects that we committed to building from the 1¢ Parks and Recreation restaurant and hotel/motel tax when it was passed by our residents in 2019. We appreciate the support and willingness to partner from Pastor Wilson to bring this new facility to his congregation and to the residents of this neighborhood.”

The total cost for this project was $71,972. A $5,000 grant from the Mississippi Department of Health for shared-use projects was used to help supplement the cost of the project.

The 1¢ Parks and Recreation restaurant and hotel/motel tax was approved by voters in April 2019. Revenue generated by this tax is split between the City of Hattiesburg for parks and recreation capital improvements and The University of Southern Mississippi for the renovation of Reed Green Coliseum.
